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Whooping Crane in Canada: Characteristics and Features

Whooping Crane in Canada

The Whooping Crane is a very tall bird with long black legs, a neck, and a long straight black beak. It is a rare bird species and a long-living bird in Canadian wildlife. These cranes typically mate for life and return to their same nesting territory each year to raise new chicks. The whooping crane […]

Snowy Owl in Canada: Features & Best Time to See

Snowy Owl in Canada

The Snowy Owl is a big white bird with bright yellow eyes. It lives in very cold places up north. It is famous for its pretty white feathers. These owls hunt mostly at night and eat small animals like mice. They fly very well and can go far. They are often seen sitting on the […]

American White Pelican in Canada: Features & SightSeeing

American White Pelican in Canada

The American White Pelican is a big white bird with a long orange beak. These birds often float smoothly over lakes and rivers looking for fish and capture it with their big beaks. White Pelicans like to be with other Pelicans. These birds travel far distances in warm weather and when it gets cold, they […]

Wolverine in Canada: Facts, Characteristics & SightSeeing

Wolverine in Canada

The Wolverine is a tough, furry, strong, and fierce animal. It’s about the size of a dog but much stronger. It can hunt animals bigger than itself and live in cold places up north. They possess dense fur to stay warm along with blade claws for hunting and climbing. Even though they’re small, but still […]

Snowshoe Hare in Canada: Features & Best Time and Place

Snowshoe Hare in Canada

The Snowshoe Hare is a small, furry animal found in Canada. It has large hind feet that help it move easily on snow. Its fur turns white to blend in with the snowy surroundings during winter while in summer, it turns brown to match the forest floor. They are known for their speed and quickness, […]

Bighorn Sheep in Canada: Facts, Species and Best Time to See

Bighorn Sheep in Canada

Bighorn sheep are a type of wild sheep living in Canada and come in a class of mammals. They have large, curved horns, and they can weigh up to 30 pounds. They are grazing animals and move from an area of low grass to an area of fresh grass. Rams (Male Bighorn sheep) in Canada […]

Canadian Goose: Facts, Features and Best time to See

Canadian Goose

The Canadian Goose is a large waterfowl bird found in Canada. The appearance is like they possess a long black neck, a brown body, and a white patch on its face. These geese often travel in flocks and make loud honking sounds. They are known for their V-shaped flying formations. Canadian Geese can be found […]

Arctic Wolf in Canada: Features And SightSeeing

Arctic Wolf in Canada

The Arctic wolf is a subspecies of the gray wolf that lives in the Arctic regions and is well-adapted to the harsh, cold environment. These animals have thick, white fur that helps camouflage them in the snowy Arctic and insulates them from the extreme cold temperatures. The Arctic wolf is an iconic symbol of the […]

Canadian Marmot: Facts, Species & Sightseeing

Canadian Marmot

Marmots are large ground squirrels with thick, furry bodies and short legs. Marmots are herbivores indicating that they are dependent on plants for their diet. Their diet consists mostly of grasses, fruits, and seeds. Canadian marmots are large ground squirrels found in the Rocky Mountains of western Canada. They are an important part of the […]

Coyote in Canada: Features & Sightseeing

Coyote in Canada

These animals are medium-sized members of the dog family. They are omnivores and eat a variety of foods, including small mammals, birds, fruits, and garbage, making them very adaptable to different environments. Coyotes live in every province and territory across Canada. The most predominant features of the coyotes are their appearance and the unique characteristics […]