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Arctic Fox in Canada: Features, Facts & Best time to See

Arctic fox in Canada

Arctic foxes are small omnivores belonging to the family of dogs living in icy areas, They have furry paws that act like snowshoes, helping them walk on the snow and ice. In the summer, the arctic fox’s fur becomes brown or gray to blend in with the tundra. These foxes live in family groups with a male, female, and their pups.

These animals inhabit the northern areas of the Canadian territory and beautify the Canadian regions with their attractive features. These animals are the symbol of the northern and snowy areas’ beauty.

Physical Characteristics and Features

Feature of Arctic Fox in Canada

These animals resemble foxes and dogs, and their physical features are quite catchy for visitors.

Features Relevant Information
Scientific Name Vulpes lagopus
Life Span Ranges between 3 – 4 years 
Diet Small rodents, Birds, Eggs, Ground Squirrels, Berries and Killed Seals 
Average Height The range is from 25 – 30 cm
Average Weight Ranges between 2.5 – 9 kg for males and 1.4 – 3.2 kg for females
Other Names White fox, Polar fox, or Small fox
Habitat Dens, Tundra habitat near rocky shores, Packed ice in winters
Status of specie Not endangered

Fascinating Facts About Arctic Fox in Canada

Facts About Arctic Fox in Canada

Here is a list of some attractive facts that can force you to plan a visit to see this beautiful animal;

  • Masters of Camouflage

    Arctic foxes are experts at blending into their snowy surroundings because of their thick, insulating fur that turns white in winter and grayish-brown in summer.

  • Tiny but Mighty

    Arctic foxes are capable of hunting and killing prey much larger than themselves, such as adult caribou and muskoxen even with this small size.

  • Adaptable Scavengers

    They are skilled scavengers and feed on everything from seal carcasses to human garbage, allowing them to survive in harsh arctic environments.

  • Earth’s Northernmost Land Mammal

    The Arctic fox is the only land mammal found throughout the entire Arctic region, including the northernmost parts of Canada.

  • Cozy Den Builders

    These animals build complex den systems with multiple entrances and tunnels and insulate them with vegetation and their fur.

  • Cunning Snow Hunters

    They make use of their keen hearing and sense of smell to locate prey beneath the snow.

  • Survival of the Fittest

    Only the strongest arctic fox pups survive their first few months because mortality rates often exceed 50% due to harsh weather conditions and predation.

  • Exceptional Swimmers

    Despite their small size, arctic foxes are excellent swimmers, capable of crossing large stretches of water and even swimming beneath the ice.

  • Night Owls of the Arctic

    Arctic foxes are primarily night lovers, hunting and scavenging during the night when their prey is most active.

  • Intelligent Food Caching

    Arctic foxes gather excess food in underground burrows or beneath rocks and snow which allows them to survive periods of scarcity.

Sightseeing of Arctic Fox in Canada

Sightseeing of Arctic Fox in Canada

They are snow-loving animals and are born to adapt to chilled conditions in Canada like the Arctic becoming the source of tourist attraction in these areas.

Direction of the CountryPlaces Where Arctic Foxes are Found
Northern SideYukon, Nunavut
Eastern SideNorthern Labrador, Newfoundland, and Quebec
Central SideNorthern Manitoba

Best Time to See Arctic Fox 

Best Time to See Arctic Fox

These animals beautify the northern areas of Canada and have become the symbol of beauty in these regions.

SeasonMonths for Sightseeing
AutumnLate October to November
Summers and Late SummersJune to September
SpringApril to May

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