Grizzly Bear in Canada: Behavior, Interesting Facts & Precautions

The grizzly bear is a big, strong animal that lives in the wild places of Canada. You can identify them by their big shoulders that stick up and their long, curved claws. They live alone and walk around the forests and mountains looking for things to eat like plants, berries, fish, and sometimes bigger animals. Despite the huge size of grizzly bears, they are usually shy and try to stay away from people. When you go to where grizzly bears live, you must be careful and keep a safe distance from them.

Canada holds about 25,000 grizzly bears, making it home to around 60% of the entire grizzly bear population in North America. The grizzly is an official provincial mammal in Alberta and an extremely important species for Canadian wildlife and protected area management.

Physical Characteristics and Behaviour

Behaviour of Grizzly Bear in Canada

Here are some physical characteristics of these mighty beasts that raise curiosity inside you for seeing them.

FeaturesRelevant Information
Scientific NameUrus Arctos
Life SpanAverage is about 20 – 30 years

Average weight of males is between 180 – 270 kg

Female’s average weight is between 100 – 150 kg.

DietFresh shoots of grasses, Bulbs, Roots, Berries, Some insect species, Rodents and domestic animals

Approx 0.9 – 1.5 meters 

When standing they can reach up to 2.7 meters standing on their legs 

HabitatDens in dense forests, Woodlands, Alpine meadows and Prairies
Role in EcosystemSeed distributors in the ecosystem, Increased species richness, and facilitation in nitrogen recycling
Status of specieOf Special Concern

Interesting Characteristics of Grizzly Bears

Interesting Characteristics of Grizzly Bears

The most fascinating characteristics that will provoke you to see them with your eyes and capture their attractive things are:

  • Aggression

    Canadian grizzly bears tend to be larger and more aggressive than their counterparts in the United States.

  • Shoulder Hump

    They have a distinctive hump on their shoulders, which is a mass of muscle used for digging and turning over rocks and logs.

  • Adaptation to Cold

    Grizzly bears in Canada’s northern regions have longer fur and larger humps to better withstand the cold temperatures.

  • Salmon Feeding

    In coastal areas of British Columbia, grizzly bears are known to feed on salmon, which plays a crucial role in their diet and life cycle.

  • Migration

    Grizzly bears in Canada have been known to travel hundreds of miles in search of food and suitable habitat.

  • Isolated Nature

    They are isolated animals, except during mating season or when a mother is caring for her cubs.

  • Sense of Smell

    Grizzly bears have an excellent sense of smell, which they use to locate food from miles away.

  • Speed

    They are capable of running at speeds of up to 45 km/h over short distances.

  • Cultural Significance

    In some remote areas of Canada, grizzly bears play an important role in the cultural traditions and beliefs of domestic communities.

Sightseeing of Grizzly Bears in Canada

Sightseeing of Grizzly Bears in Canada

Following are some places to see these giant animals roaming in Canada despite their reduced number.

Direction of the CountryPlaces Where Grizzly Bears are Found
Western TerritoryAlberta, British Columbia, and Yukon
Northern Territory Nunavut, Central regions of Arctic
Central TerritoryManitoba

National Parks in Which Grizzly Bears Are Found in Canada

These bears are mostly found in the mountain regions of western and northern territories but are distributed to boreal forests and alpine regions of the country.

  1. Banff National Park
  2. Yoho National Park
  3. Jasper National Park
  4. Kootenay National Park
  5. Mackenzie Mountains
  6. North Slave Region

Ideal Time to See the Grizzly Bears

Ideal Time to See the Grizzly Bears

They can be sometimes difficult to spot and prefer some isolated areas to live and spend life, but they can be seen and photographed at the following times:

SeasonPlaces to See Them
SpringtimeWetland around meadows covered with grass
SummersIn the forests and tundra
FallIn forests and tundra (Depending on abundance of Salmons in the region)
WintersInside their Dens

Precautions to be Taken When Seeing Bears

Some precautions must be taken during your visit because bears are violent animals and can attack a person unexpectedly.

  • Stay Aware

    Be cautious of bear signs.

  • Make Noise

    Talk, sing, or wear bells.

  • Carry Bear Spray

    Have non-lethal bear repellent accessible.

  • Avoid Surprising

    Don’t hike alone and be cautious around blind spots.

  • Keep Distance

    Stay at least 100 yards (91 meters) away.

  • No Food Odors

    Properly store all scented items.

  • Know Encounter Response

    Don’t run, back away calmly, and use bear spray if charged.

  • Follow Regulations

    Follow the local bear safety guidelines.

Pro Tip

Grizzly bears usually stay away from humans and avoid their interaction with mankind. Therefore, it is important to visit at the right time and the right place for sightseeing.